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FSC Regulatory Module info sheet_13Dec2024
FSC Regulatory Module info sheet
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The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...

The FSC Regulatory Module is a voluntary add-on for FSC-certified businesses. It has been developed to help companies prepare for compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation (...

Guide to outsourcing of FSC production activities
Guide on outsourcing of FSC activities
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Guidance for FSC certificate holders on requirements pertaining to outsourcing of FSC production processes.

Guidance for FSC certificate holders on requirements pertaining to outsourcing of FSC production processes.

Sample Outsourcing Agreement for Non-FSC-certified Contactors
Outsourcing agreement template for non-FSC certified contractors
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This is the Word format of the outsourcing agreement in our ‘Guide to outsourcing of FSC production activities’. Please note that this is an example of an outsourcing agreement th...

This is the Word format of the outsourcing agreement in our ‘Guide to outsourcing of FSC production activities’. Please note that this is an example of an outsourcing agreement th...

FSC Management System for Trademark Use
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You can use this as a generic example of FSC trademark use management system.

You can use this as a generic example of FSC trademark use management system.

FSC darba pamatprasības - pašnovērtējuma forma
FSC core labour requirements - Self assessment
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This document offers guidance on how organisations can fulfill the requirements specified by the FSC core labour requirements. 

This document offers guidance on how organisations can fulfill the requirements specified by the FSC core labour requirements. 

FSC trademark
FSC Trademark Standard
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FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 Sets out the requirements for off-product and on-product use of the FSC logo and trademarks. 

FSC-STD-50-001 V2-1 Sets out the requirements for off-product and on-product use of the FSC logo and trademarks. 

Certification schemes report FSC
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This evaluation aims to assess how the FSC forest certification system meets fundamental aspects of legality requirements for timber, as well as how the certification is set up to...

This evaluation aims to assess how the FSC forest certification system meets fundamental aspects of legality requirements for timber, as well as how the certification is set up to...

Using the FFAF marks FSC guidance document
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FSC Trademark Quick Guide
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The trademark quick guide is developed based on the FSC Trademark Standard 50-001(V1-2). The quick guide is intended to facilitate the communication of certificate holders’ c...

The trademark quick guide is developed based on the FSC Trademark Standard 50-001(V1-2). The quick guide is intended to facilitate the communication of certificate holders’ c...

FSC Brands Intercompany Labeling Agreement
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Sample FSC labeling procedure agreement between buyer and producer

Sample FSC labeling procedure agreement between buyer and producer

FSC Trademark Guide
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This guide outlines the key requirements for using the FSC logo, eco-label, brand marks and trademarks on-product and off-product. It includes examples that help you to decipher t...

This guide outlines the key requirements for using the FSC logo, eco-label, brand marks and trademarks on-product and off-product. It includes examples that help you to decipher t...

FSC Annual Administration Fee
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FSC-POL-20-005 V3-4This document is revised annually and sets out the FSC Annual Administration Fee (AFF) applying to a calendar year. This approved version outlines the basic pri...

FSC-POL-20-005 V3-4This document is revised annually and sets out the FSC Annual Administration Fee (AFF) applying to a calendar year. This approved version outlines the basic pri...
